Struts Training

Struts Training & Placement institute in chennai

Learn Struts At GREENS TECHNOLOGY – No 1 Struts Training and Placement institute in chennai. Call 8939975692 For More Details. Register today for learning basic Struts Training and Placement institute in chennai

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Struts 2 is a popular powerful framework for developing Java web applications. Struts 2 differs greatly from the original framework and as such this course is also suitable for anyone who has been using Struts
1. In this Struts training course, experienced Java developers learn how to use Struts and the Model- View-Controller (MVC) design pattern to build scalable, maintainable data-driven Web Applications.

Get Trained at GREENS TECHNOLOGY and become a Struts Guru!

Struts Training and Placement institute in chennai

Struct Training Course Content

This course has been developed for real-world, commercial scenarios by our expert instructors. See below for detailed syllabus.

  • What you will learn
  • 1. How to install and set up the Struts framework with Tomcat.
  • 2. How to design and implement a well structured Struts based web application.
  • 3. How to implement and configure your own Struts components.
  • 4. How to provide complex data validation on both the client and the server.
  • 5. How Struts custom tag libraries simplify the development process.
  • 6. How to utilise advanced features such as Validators, Templates and Internationalisation.

Hands On Exercises

The delegates will have hands-on experience of building Struts applications, including:

  • 1. Implementing a simple form based web application with JSPs and Struts.
  • 2. Using the Struts custom tag libraries to further improve the structure and maintainability of the application.
  • 3. Design and implement a complex Wizard style application - including techniques for detecting illegal navigation from user.
  • 4. Automating data validation with the Validator plug-in.
  • 5. Template based page generation with the Tiles plug-in.
  • 6. Internationalization of a web application.
  • 7.Integration of Servlets, JSPs and EJBs to form a complete online J2EE application

Struts - Web Enterprise Workshop with Jakarta Struts Training Course OutlineGetting Started with Struts 2.0

  • Jakarta Struts Project
  • Jakarta Struts Project
  • MVC and Struts
  • Review Filters, Servlets, JSP and Web Applications
  • Struts Architecture
  • Struts Components: FilterDispatcher, Interceptors, Actions, and Results
  • Your First Struts Application
  • Struts 2.0 components

  • Configuring web.xml
  • Configuring structs.xml: package, results, exceptions, and actions
  • Action implementation
  • Adding basic view components

  • Validation and Interceptors
  • XWork validation framework
  • Implementing validation
  • Type conversion
  • Interceptor role
  • Using interceptors

  • Mapping the Model to the View
  • Review using Custom Tags
  • Introducing Struts Tags
  • Generic Tags
  • UI Tags
  • Themes and Templates
  • Tag Reference
  • Ajax Tags
  • ValueStack technology
  • OGNL for type conversion

  • Localization and I18n
  • Locales
  • Formatting Messages
  • Resource Bundles
  • Internationalization
  • Tags
  • I18n Interceptor

  • Putting It All Together
  • Create the Application
  • Actions
  • Searching
  • Prepopulating Forms
  • Validating forms
  • Showing and Editing Error Massages
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Add/Edit/Delete Listing

  • Advanced Topics (Optional)
  • Action Chaining
  • Dependency Injection
  • Testing
  • Using Annotations
  • Performance Tuning
  • Plugins
  • Migration of Struts 1.x applications to Struts 2.x

  • Working with the Tiles Custom Library (Optional)
  • Defining templates
  • Using put and insert

Recommended by Students as No 1 Struts Training Institute in Chennai!

Do not wait anymore! Call Us @ +91 8939975692 to know more about Struts JAVA Struts Training in Chennai. You can also contact us by submitting the Quick Enquiry form on the right side of this page to know more about the Struts Course in Chennai.




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