
60 Hrs
Awarded as the Best AngularJS Training Center in Chennai - We Guarantee Your AngularJS Training Success in Chennai.
Master Angularjs - Build A Real World App From Scratch. Speed up your development with AngularJS, the open-source JavaScript framework for building web applications. Our AngularJS training in Chennai show how to divide your project into modules; work with services like $http, $routeProvider, and animation; and set up deep linking and navigation.
Greens Technology provides AngularJS training in Chennai to professionals and corporates on AngularJS version 2.0, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Angular JS, TypeScript and ES6, Components, Form Handling, Data Binding and much more
We offer AngularJS job assistance (subject to project availability and partner requirements) for positions in India, Singapore, Dubai and the UK.
About Trainer
- Karthik work as an AngularJS Consultant & Instructor, He has over 11 years of Implementation experience and recognized expert in AngularJS. Karthik has been a web developer for the last 11 of his 13+ years as a professional developer. He has specialized in front end and middle tier development.
Although his greatest love is writing code, he also enjoys teaching and speaking about code.
Want a free career Advice or any career related queries? Reach him by
+91- 9080125737
AngularJS Training Course Overview
Our Job Oriented AngularJS training in chennai courses are taught by experienced certified professionals with extensive real-world experience. All our Best AngularJS training in Chennai focuses on practical than theory model.
AngularJS Training provides you the skills needed to create dynamic web applications. You will learn about the concepts of AngularJS, JavaScript, MVC Framework. This Training covers various AngularJS module in third party, controllers, routes, filters, Node.js, Dependency Injection and Integration with MVC. It includes features of data binding and dependency injection to reduce coding efforts.
- Understand importance of AngularJS and key features
- Learn about the AngularJS Library, JavaScript and MVC framework
- Create Controllers and share data between Controllers
- Dependency Injection concepts
- Learn Custom Directives, Filters and overview of Creating Routes
- Description of AngularJS modules
- Yeoman/generator-node, Node.js and Rest Exposure
- Deploy Validations and Business Logic in Controllers
- Integrating AngularJS with MVC
- Work on real-time AngularJS applications
AngularJS training Course Syllabus
Prerequisites for AngularJS Course
AngularJS Introduction
- Introduction To Client Side Scripting Languages
- Basics of Javascript and jQuery
- Introduction to AngularJS and Its History
- Why should we use AngularJS?
Execution flow
- Properties, Methods
- Binding controllers with views
- Controller hierarchy
- Sharing data between controllers
Bootstrapping Angular APPS
- Auto bootstrap
- Custom bootstrap
Data Binding
- Binding Model Objects
- Model Objects Visibility
- $scope
- $rootScope
- Difference between $scope & $rootScope
- Using $emit & $broadcast
- JSON advantages
- Using JSON in Angularjs
- Use of $watch, $digest & $apply
Understanding AngularJS Architecture
Dependency Injection
- What is Dependency Injection?
- Implicit DI
- Inline Array Annotated DI
- $inject Array Annotated DI
- AngularJs Expressions, AngularJS Numbers
- AngularJS Strings, AngularJS Arrays
- AngularJS Objects
- Power of directives
- Working with built in directives
- ng-app, ng-init
- ng-model, ng-repeat
- ng-class, ng-template
- ng-include
- Working with custom directives
- Adding Filters to Expressions
- Adding Filters to Directives
- Working with built in filters
- Creating custom filters
- ng-click
- Hiding HTML Elements
- ng-disabled
- ng-show, ng-hide
- Controllers Pollute the Global Namespace
- AngularJS Application Files
AngularJS XMLHttpRequest (AJAX)
- AngularJS $http
AngularJS Forms & Input Validation
AngularJS Service Types
- Constants & Values, Factories
- Services, Providers
Single Page Applications
- What is SPA?
- How to work with SPA in angular
- Working with routes
- Static & dynamic routing
- Overview of REST API
- Use of angular resource module
- Overview of transitions
- Use of angular animate module
Angular with UI Frameworks
- ui boostrap
- anguar-meterial
Behavior Driven Development
- Overview of Nodejs
- installation of karma & jasmin
- working with karma & jasmin
AngularJS Training Course Objectives
- ng-app, ng-init
- ng-model, ng-repeat
- ng-class, ng-template
- ng-include
AngularJS Service Types
AngularJS training in Chennai Angular framework from Google is one of the most sought after skill in the industry today. Angular is the leading front-end web apps development framework. AngularJS2 aims to simplify development and testing of web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components. Agular’s data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you currently have to write. Learn Angular JS2 to become a specialized web developer with knowledge to create rich interactive web frameworks for a real-time experience.
- Implement loops and conditions using structural directives
- Implement one way / two way data binding for data interpolation
- Implement event and error handling
- Implement dependency injection and reusability
- Create routing structure for components for navigation
- Implement unit testing using Jasmine framework
- Develop structurally well-formed web applications using components.
Why should I join this AngularJS Training course?
This course is a great learn for specialising in interactive website designing. Web designers represent the face of a website development since everything a user sees, clicks, and interacts on a website is the work of the front-end web developer.