C and C++ Training in Chennai
Learn C and C++ Training In Chennai At GREENS TECHNOLOGY – No 1 C and C++ Training Institute In Chennai. Call @ 8939975692 For More Details. Register today for learning basic C and C++ Training to go for advanced C and C++ Training in Chennai.
C is a general-purpose programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie. Like most of the procedural language, C has the specialized feature for structured programming, allows variable scope and recursion. One good thing about C programming is, it enables mapping of constructs to machine instruction thereby requiring very minimal run-time support, and so it is widely used in application development. Learn C Training in Chennai at Greens Technology
C++ is an excellent general purpose programming language build with Object oriented programming Paradigm. It is mostly regarded as intermediate level programming language as it has the features of both low-level and high-level programming. It is one of the powerful programming language implemented and used widely on many hardware’s and operating systems. C++ has greatly influenced by other object oriented languages like Java, C# .net etc., Learn C++ Training in Chennai at Greens Technology
Get Trained at GREENS TECHNOLOGY and become a C and C++ Guru!
Introduction to “ C ” Language
- Data types
- Indentation
- If else
- Operators
- The “WHILE” Loop
- The “For “ Loop
- Nested Loop Statements
- The “BREAK” & “CONTINUE” Statement
- Switch case default & break
- Bitwise operators
- Introduction to Functions
- Need for Functions
- Standard & User defined Functions
- What is header file
- How to create our own header file
- Difference between source file & exe file
- How to create exe file
- Defining & Calling Functions
- Storage Classes
- Automatic Storage Classes
- Register Storage Classes
- Static Storage Classes
- External Storage Classes
- Pass by Value, pass by Reference
- Return by value & return by address
- Recursive Functions
- Memory concept
- Pointers to variable
- Pointers to pointers
- Pointers with operation
- Introduction to Arrays
- Need for Arrays
- Arrays with pointers
- Arrays with functions
- Types of Arrays
- One Dimensional Arrays
- Two Dimensional Arrays
- Multi Dimensional Arrays
- Char pointers
- Char array (String)
- Declaring & Initializing String Variables
- Strings with pointers
- Strings with functions
- String Functions
- Creation of our own string.h
- Array of Strings
Structures, Unions, Enum and typedef
- Enum and typedef
- Introduction to Structures
- Defining Structures
- Struct with pointers , arrays, strings and functions
- Array ,strings as Structures Members
- Containership
- Union, Different between Structure & Union
- In text Mode
- In Graphics Mode
Graphics Programming
- In text Mode
- In Graphics Mode
File Operations
- Introduction to files
- Types of Files
- File Pointers
- Opening & Closing Files
- Modifying & deleting Files
- Interacting with
- text files (ex: .txt, .c, .cpp)
- non text files (ex: .dat, .mpg, .avi, .mp3)
- data base files
- Creating database with file operation
- Command Line Arguments
File Operations
- Introduction to files
- Types of Files
- File Pointers
- Opening & Closing Files
- Modifying & deleting Files
- Interacting with
- text files (ex: .txt, .c, .cpp)
- non text files (ex: .dat, .mpg, .avi, .mp3)
- data base files
- Creating database with file operation
- Command Line Arguments
Dynamic memory allocation ( DS )
- Purpose of dynamic memory allocation
- Malloc , calloc ,realloc and free
- Sorting
- Recursion
- Lists
- Single linked lists
- Double linked lists
- Circular linked lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Adding 2 lists
- Inserting a node in required position
- Deleting a node from required position
Introduction to “ C++ ” Programming
C++ - Programming (Duration: 6 Weeks)
- Oops
- Function Prototypes
- Comments
- Typecasting
- Void Pointers
- The :: operator
- The Const Qualifier
- Reference variables
2. Functions
- Function Prototypes
- Function Overloading
- Default Arguments in Functions
- Call by value, address & reference
- Return by value, by address & By reference
- Inline Functions
3. Classes in C++
- Member function
- Function Definition Outside The Class
- Classes and Constructors
- Destructors
- Copy Constructor
- The this Pointer
- New and delete Operators
- Using new and delete
- Malloc ( ) / free ( ) versus new/delete
- Classes, Objects and Memory
- Structures vs. Classes
4. Miscellaneous Class Issues
- Static Class Data
- Static Member Functions
- Data Conversion
- Friend functions & friend Classes
- Data Conversion between Objects of Different Classes
5. Overloading operators
- Introduction
- Overloading assignment operator
- Overloading ++, --, +, -, *, /,<,> …. & Logical operators
- Overloading operators between different objects
- Overloading << and >> (stream operators)
6. Inheritance
- Constructors in Inheritance
- Private Inheritance
- Protected Inheritance
- Functions That Are Not inherited
- Virtual Function
- Pure virtual functions
- Virtual Functions in Derived Classes
- Virtual Functions and Constructors
- Destructors and virtual Destructors
- Virtual Base Classes
- Abstract class
- Abstract base class
7. Advanced Features
- Classes Within Classes
- Friend Functions
- Friend classes
- Overloading << and >>.
8. Input / Output In C++ (File operations)
- Manipulators
- File I/O with Streams
- Opening and closing files
- Creating database with file Operation
- Binary I/O
- Elementary Database Management
- Interacting with
- Text files (ex: .txt, .c, .cpp)
- Non-text files (ex: .dat, .mpg, .avi, .mp3)
- Creating database with file operation
9. New Advanced Features>
- Templates
- Function templates
- Class templates
- Exception handling
- Namespaces
- RTTI (Runtime type information)
- STL (Standard Template library)
- Dynamic cast operator
- Typeid operator
- Typeinfo class
10. Data Structures with C++
- Sorting
- Recursion
- Lists
- Single linked lists
- Double linked lists
- Circular linked lists
- Traversing of linked lists
- Stacks
- Queues
- Adding 2 lists
- Inserting a node in required position
- Deleting a node from required position
You can contact us @ 8939975692 or fill in the enquiry form to get detailed information about C and C++ training in Chennai. Join Greens Technology for Best C and C++ training in Chennai.