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Selenium Training and Certification in Chennai

Educate yourselves with  Selenium Training program in Chennai from India’s Best Placement Oriented Selenium training institute with Industry experts, SeU - Certified Selenium Engineer (CSE), live projects and 100% guaranteed placement support, all curated to help you become a Selenium professional.

Green’s Technologys’ Selenium Certification and Placement training course also provides programming courses like :- C#, Python, SQL, and Java essentials.

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Selenium Training in chennai

One to One Training

Gain 1 to 1 Live Instructor Led Online Training in different flexible timings.

Course Price at : ₹ 20,000 + GST
Discount Price : ₹ 25,000

Online Classroom

Students can attend our Instructor Led Online Virtual Classroom.

Course Price at: ₹ 20,000 + GST
Discount Price: ₹ 20,000 + GST

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Selenium Training Program in Chennai

Greens Technologys Selenium training program will make you a pro in Selenium. With our best online Selenium training course, a student can learn basics to advanced test automation via Selenium to the most advanced Selenium topics. We also ensure to teach you Java, Python and SQL. Each aspirant will work on several real-time projects and assignments with this certified Selenium testing training.

Greens Technologys’ Selenium QA training program in Chennai is taught by Experts keeping market expectations in mind. A student will start learning Selenium automation testing from a pro having hands-on Selenium projects experience. Our Selenium professionals will assist you to lean Java, Python, automation testing and impart knowledge in basic and advanced Selenium automation testing concepts with real time examples.

  • Students / Non-IT graduates who aspire to start a career in IT industry as a Selenium Automation Engineer.
  • Manual Testers who want to get into automation testing
  • Automation testers who want to enhance and update their skills
  • QA engineers, Testing Professionals, System Analysts, Test leads, managers
  • ISTQB certificate seekers
  1. Completely Interactive: Our sessions are completely interactive as we emphasis on brainstorming sessions.

  2. Curriculum:   Our curriculum is designed in such a way that it is in par with the market expectations. Hence we not only educate on the conventional topics but also the advanced versions to equip ourselves and our students with IT industry trend.

  3. Practical sessions: We completely trust in a practical approach and therefore after completion of each and every session we give practice exercises in a way that students will be able to apply the theory instantly.

  4. Soft skills:  Loads of emphasis is laid on verbal and written communication skills along with technical skills, as we trust in all round improvement.

  5. Resume Preparation and Interview readiness: Our dedicated placement team works on building students’ resume efficiently and make you ready for interviews by offering mock interview practices.

  6. Support Team: We have a separate support team who would be in touch with students even after course is completed through emails for further assistance.

Students can check for themselves the quality of our Selenium training course which is offered at the best affordable price by booking for free demo sessions .

We believe in offering personal/Individual focus to each and every aspirant in order to build them up as an efficient software tester. Therefore we make sure that the batch is of minimum size.

  • Training program offered by experienced working professionals /Industry expert in Selenium field.
  • Instructor-led LIVE training sessions by our experts.
  • Syllabus designed by taking updated Selenium technology and the IT market into consideration.
  • Practical exercise on completion of every session.
  • Focus on live project work with examples.
  • Our dedicated team provides Resume preparation guidance session.
  • Mock interview sessions.
  • 100% Placement Assistance - Till first job.
  • Study material accessible for free.
  • Video recordings available for practice.
  • Continuous assistance to clear the International Recognition ISTQB certification with our ISTQB question bank.
  • Course completion certificate

Once you complete Selenium course in Chennai Greens Technologys and finish the hands-on project, you'll earn a Certificate which can be shared with prospective employers and professional contacts.

  1. SeU Certified Selenium Engineer (CSE) Are you unaware as in where to start? Get in touch with our team members today to fetch details about how students can get accredited .

We understand and value your family’s hard-earned money. Therefore we have established affordable price when compared to other institutes. For sure our hands-on Placement oriented training program from Industry experts and Subject Matter experts is far better than any other fast track courses offered by several other institutes. “Offering the best quality is our motto”. We utilize all our resources and expert to make you an efficient software tester.

Selenium Testing course Content


Core Java Programming

  • Introduction to Java
  • History of java
  • Comparison with C and C++
  • Features of Java
  • JDK,JRE,JVM overview
  • JDK Directory Structure
  • Basic Java Program through command prompt
  • Download and install JDK/JRE
  • Set Environment variables
  • Download Eclipse IDE
  • Coding standards followed in Eclipse
  • Naming standards followed in Eclipse
  • Features of Eclipse IDE
  • Introduuction to packages
  • Need for packages
  • package declaration in Java
  • Import statement in Java
  • static import in java
  • Resolving name clashes in packages
  • Classes and Objects
  • Defining a class;Defining instance variables and methods
  • Defining a class, variable and method in Java
  • Method Signature; method call
  • Creating objects out of a class
  • Method calls via object references
  • Interfaces and Abstract classes
  • Abstract and non-abstract methods
  • extends and implements keywords in Java
  • Super class and Sub class
  • this keyword, super keyword in Java for inheritance
  • Concrete classes in Java
  • Aggregation and Association
  • Compile time polymorphism -- Overloading of methods
  • Run time polymorphism -- Overriding of methods
  • Method Overriding rules and method overloading rules
  • Introduction to Object class and it's methods
  • Protection of data
  • Java Bean, POJO
  • Getters/Setters
  • Memory management in Java
  • Heap
  • Stac
  • Garbage Collection
  • Primitive Datatypes
  • Datatype Declarations
  • Datatype Ranges and its calculation
  • Memory allocation for each Datatype
  • Variable Names Conventions
  • Numeric Literals, Character Literals
  • String Literals
  • Arrays
  • Array of Object References
  • Enumerated Data Types
  • Non-Primitive Datatypes
  • Expressions in Java
  • Assignment Operator
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Conditional Operators
  • Operator Precedence
  • Implicit Type Conversions
  • Upcasting and downcasting
  • Strict typing
  • Type conversion
  • Flowchart for conditional statements
  • If statement
  • If-else statement
  • If-else-if statement
  • Switch statement
  • String in switch case
  • For loop
  • While loop
  • Do-while loop
  • Unconditional Control Statements/Jump Statements
  • break statement
  • labelled break statement
  • return statement
  • continue statement
  • Diff between Scanner and BufferedReader
  • Methods to get Primitive datatypes
  • match method
  • delimiter method
  • findInLine method
  • skip,close method
  • useRadix method
  • useLocale method
  • IOException method
  • Launching and debugging java code
  • Breakpoints
  • Debug perspective
  • Stepping commands
  • Trace point,Trigger point
  • Breakpoints grouping
  • Breakpoints sorting
  • Role of access modifiers
  • Private access modifier
  • Role of private constructor
  • Default access modifier
  • Protected access modifier
  • Public access modifier
  • Access Modifier with Method Overriding

Types of variable

  • variable
  • variable memory storage
  • Static variable
  • Local variable
  • Global/Instance Variable
  • variable widening
  • variable narrowing
  • Constructor
  • Default constructor
  • Non-arg based constructor
  • Parameterised constructor
  • Difference between Constructor and Method
  • Constructor chaining
  • this and super method
  • constructor overloading
  • Singleton class
  • Normal class vs singleton class
  • Use of Singleton class
  • JDBC Using Model Object and Singleton Class
  • singleton() method in Java
  • Private Constructors and Singleton Classes in Java
  • Java Singleton Design Pattern Practices
  • Factory Design Pattern:
  • Advantage of Factory Design Pattern:
  • Implementing Factory Design Pattern:
  • Abstract Factory Design Pattern
  • Overview of other creational design pattern
  • Builder design pattern
  • String datatype
  • String declaration
  • String Tokenizer
  • String methods
  • String types
  • String memory allocation
  • Manipulations in string
  • Interfaces and classes in String
  • Declaration
  • Instantiation
  • Initialization of Java Array
  • Single dimensional Array
  • Multi-dimensional Array
  • Anonymous Array
  • Cloning an Array
  • Need of Wrapper classes
  • Autoboxing
  • Unboxing
  • Primitive Wrapper Classes
  • Utility methods of Wrapper classes
  • valueOf and xxxValue methods
  • parseXxx and toString methods
  • Need for Generics
  • How Generics works in Java
  • Types of Generics
  • Generic Type Class or Interface
  • Generic Type Method or Constructor
  • Generic Type Arrays
  • Generics with Wildcards
  • Unbounded Wildcards
  • Bounded Wildcards
  • Java Collection Framework
  • Hierarchy of Collection Framework
  • Collection interface
  • Iterator interface
  • Methods of collection interface
  • List
  • Set
  • Queue
  • Collections utility class
  • Introduction to Map interface
  • Methods in Map
  • Iterating a Map
  • Map hierarchy
  • Sorted Map
  • LinkedHashMap
  • TreeMap
  • HashMap
  • Exception types
  • Usage of Try
  • Usage of Catch
  • Usage of Throw
  • Usage of Throws
  • Usage of Finally
  • Built-in Exceptions,
  • Creating own Exception classes
  • Regular expression
  • MatchResult interface
  • Matcher class
  • Pattern class
  • PatternSyntaxException class
  • Regex Quantifiers
  • Regular Expression Character classes
  • Regex Metacharacters
  • File Handling in Java
  • Stream
  • Java File Methods
  • File Operations in Java
  • File reader
  • File writer
  • Bufffered Reader
  • File permissions
  • Method & Description
  • Date Comparison
  • Date Formatting Using SimpleDateFormat
  • Simple DateFormat Format Codes
  • Date Formatting Using printf
  • Date and Time Conversion Characters
  • Sleeping for a While
  • GregorianCalendar Class
  • Serialization in Java
  • Need for Serialization in Java
  • Serializing an Object
  • Deserializing an object
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Serialization in Java
  • Practical examples of Serialization in Java
  • Externalizable Interface
  • Transient Keyword
  • Serial Version UID
  • Controversies of Serialization in Java
  • Best Practices while using Serialization in Java
  • Introduction to XML
  • Read XML File in Java
  • Java DOM Parser
  • Java SAX Parser
  • Read XML File in Java Using eclipse
  • Reading XML file using DOM Parser
  • Reading XML file using SAX parser
  • JSONArray
  • JSONParser
  • JSONObject
  • simple maven dependency
  • Write JSON to file with json-simple
  • Read JSON from file with json-simple
  • Download Sourcecode
  • Read CSV File in Java
  • CSV file creation
  • How to create CSV File
  • Java Scanner class
  • Java String.split() method
  • Using OpenCSV API
  • Reading CSV file with a different separator
  • Concepts ofThread
  • Thread life cycle
  • Creating threads using Thread class and Runnable interface
  • Synchronization
  • Thread priorities
  • Inter Thread communication.
  • Autoboxing
  • Generics
  • Enhanced for loop
  • Varargs
  • Enums
  • Static imports
  • C-lang printf()
  • StringBuilder
  • Metadata
  • String in Switch Expression.
  • Underscores Between Digits in Numeric Literals.
  • Integral Types as Binary Literals.
  • Handling multiple exceptions in a single catch block.
  • Try-with-resources Statement.
  • Automatic Type Inference in Generic object instantiation.
  • Lambda Expression
  • Method references
  • Functional interfaces
  • Interface changes: Default and static methods
  • Streams
  • Stream filter
  • forEach()
  • Collectors class with example
  • StringJoiner class with example
  • Optional class with example
  • Arrays Parallel Sort
  • JVM Memory Structure
  • Heap area
  • Method Area
  • JVM Stacks
  • Native method Stacks
  • Program counter (PC) registers
  • Working of Garbage Collector
  • Memory leaks in Java
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Table creation
  • SQL Insert
  • SQL Update
  • Applying Constraints
  • SQL Syntax
  • SQL Data Types
  • SQL Operators
  • SQL Database
  • SQL Select
  • SQL Clause
  • SQL Delete
  • SQL Join
  • SQL Keys
  • Establishing connection
  • Types of JDBC driver
  • JDBC-ODBC Bridge Driver,
  • Native Driver,
  • Network Protocol Driver, and
  • Thin Driver
  • Running query
  • Extracting Result
  • Check the given number is odd or not
  • Check the given number is even or not
  • Print first 100 odd numbers
  • Print first 100 even numbers
  • Count the number of even numbers from 1 to 100
  • Count the number of odd numbers from 1 to 100
  • Find the factorial of a given number
  • Generating fibbonacci series
  • Find the reverse of the given number
  • Check the given number is palindrome or not
  • Check the given number is armstrong or not
  • Find the sum of the digits in a number
  • Find the number of digits in a number
  • Find the product of digits in a number
  • Find the reverse of the string
  • Check the given string is palindrome or not
  • Print each word's first letter of the given string in capital number
  • Print the dupicate numbers in array
  • Print the Unique elements in array
  • Remove the duplicate character in string
  • Remove the duplicate words in string
  • Write code to print patterns
  • Pre-increment post increment example
  • prime number or not
  • Anagram or not
  • Usage of Collections.min(),max() and sort()
  • Usage of Arrays.min(),max() and sort()
  • Print numbers as String
  • Coding Standards for Classes
  • Coding Standards for Interface
  • Coding Standards for Methods
  • Coding Standards for Variables
  • Coding Standards for Constants
  • Java Bean Coding Standards
  • Getter Methods
  • Setter Methods


  • Types of Applications (Desktop, Web, Mobile, Hybrid)
  • Software Testing Methods (Manual and Test Automation).
  • Selenium Introduction
  • Selenium Components
  • Selenium vs. Other Testing Tools
  • Advantages of Selenium
  • Integration of Selenium with Other Tools
  • Purposes and functionalities
  • Understanding the components
  • Selenium RC
  • Selenium IDE
  • Selenium webdriver
  • Selenium Grid
  • When to use Grid
  • Third party drivers and plugins
  • Driver requirements
  • What is WebDriver
  • Selenium Architechture
  • Simple Program in Selenium WebDriver
  • WebDriver methods
  • Desired Capability
  • Downloading driver file
  • Downloading selenium jarfile
  • Chrome Browser Launching
  • Safari Browser Launching
  • InternetExplorer Browser Launching
  • Installing FireBug and FirePath
  • Firefox Browser Launching
  • Inspecting elements in different browsers .
  • Id
  • name
  • classname
  • xpath
  • tagName
  • linkText
  • partiallyLinkText
  • cssSelector
  • Contains Xpath
  • Text Xpath
  • Text Contains Xpath
  • Attribute with contains
  • Following
  • Ancestor
  • Child
  • Preceding
  • Following-sibling
  • Parent
  • Self
  • Descendant
  • Relative Xpath
  • Absolute Xpath
  • Difference between Absolute Xpath and Relative Xpath
  • Limitations in Absolute xpath
  • Advantages of using Relative xpath
  • Finding checkboxes count
  • Checking the visiblity of Check Box
  • Checking the properties of Check Box
  • Identifying common locator for all checkboxes
  • Checking toggled attribute
  • Handling the Text Box
  • Checking the visiblity of Text Box
  • Checking the properties of Text Box
  • Identifying common loactor for all TextBoxes
  • Finding Textboxes count
  • Handling the Radio Button
  • Checking the visiblity of Radio Button
  • Checking the properties of Radio Button
  • Identifying common loactor for all Radiobuttons
  • Finding radiobuttons count
  • Absolute Path method
  • Relative XPath method
  • Identify by index
  • Preceeding-sibling,Following-sibling concept
  • Ancestor ,parent concept
  • Common tagname(*) method
  • Multiple attributes to locate an element
  • Need for Desired Capabilities
  • Different types of Desired Capabilities Methods
  • Example for set capability method
  • Setting the Property
  • Getting the Property
  • Navigate To Command
  • Forward Command
  • Back Command
  • Refresh Command
  • navigate method over get method
  • Navigation by using JavascriptExecutor
  • Fetching a web page
  • Locating elements and sending user inputs
  • Clearing User inputs
  • Fetching data over any web element
  • Performing Click event
  • Navigating backward in browser history
  • Navigating forward in browser history
  • Refresh/ Reload a web page
  • Closing Windows
  • Closing Browser
  • Handling Windows
  • Handling Frames
  • Handling Drag and Drop
  • Drag and Drop
  • Mouseover Action
  • Right Click
  • Double Click
  • Performing Multiple Actions
  • Accessing modifier keys using Actions class
  • Switching into Alert
  • Alert methods
  • Types of Alert
  • Handling the Alert
  • Passing the inputs to Alerts
  • Entering text into Alert
  • Get the text present in Alert
  • Pop-ups
  • Handling the Window based popups
  • Handling the Notification popups
  • HAndling pop-ups using Robot class
  • Handling the Login popups
  • Chrome Options
  • FirefoxOptions
  • InternetExplorerOptions
  • Need of Robot Class
  • Methods to implement this class
  • Mouse click using Robot class
  • Limitations
  • Copy Operations
  • Cut Operations
  • Paste Operations
  • File Uploading
  • Alert Handling
    • Need for Waits
    • Static waits
    • Dynamic waits
    • Implicit Waits
    • Explicit Waits
    • Fluent Waits
    • WebDriver Waits
  • WebElement Highlighting
  • Click Operation
  • Fetching the Data from Weblement
  • Sending the Inputs to WebElement
  • Scrolling Operations
  • Highlighting a WebElement
  • Scroll the web page by pixel
  • Scroll the web page by the visibility of the element
  • Scroll down the web page at the bottom of the page
  • Horizontal scroll on the web page
  • Multiple Scroll
  • ScrollBy coordinates
  • Need for Frames
  • Identifying a Frame
  • Switching to Frames using Selenium WebDriver
  • Different ways of switching
  • Dynamic frames handling
  • Frames Size
  • Concept of Nested Frames
  • Importance of Windows Handling
  • Handling the Multiple Windows
  • Windows Handling using Set
  • Windows Handling using List
  • Analyzing WebTable structure in DOM
  • Handling multiple webtables in a page
  • Dynamically changing WebTable handling
  • Extracting values from webTable
  • Analyzing the Tagnames
  • Different Scenarios with WebTable
  • Handling Dynamic Tables In Selenium
  • Analyzing the Dynamic WebTable
  • Analyzing the HTML Tags in Dynamic WebTable
  • Different Scenario with Dynamic WebTable
  • Need of Screenshot in Automation testing
  • Capture Screenshot in Selenium
  • Capture Full Page Screenshot
  • Taking a Screenshot of a particular element of the page
  • Taking a Screenshot with different file formates
  • Random name generation for screenshots
  • Finding images count in webpage
  • Finding broken images count in webpage
  • Finding broken image URL
  • JavaScriptExecutor code to verify if image
  • code to print desired output as per image
  • Identifying URL
  • Validating URL
  • To Find a broken links
  • HTTP response code
  • Collect all the links in the web page
  • Select class in Selenium WebDriver
  • Different Select commands
  • Multiple Select commands
  • DeSelect Commands
  • Get All options
  • Dropdown without Select tag
  • Handling dropdown with values changing its position dynamically.
  • Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using Sendkeys
  • Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using Robot Class
  • Uploading files in Selenium WebDriver using AutoIT
  • Download files in Selenium WebDriver using Sendkeys
  • Download files in Selenium WebDriver using Robot Class
  • Download files in Selenium WebDriver using AutoIT
  • download and install AutoIT
  • Finding element through element Identifier
  • Writing script on AutoIT editor
  • AutoIT Upload file in Selenium Webdriver
  • Advanced User Interactions API
  • Get Tooltip Text in Selenium Webdriver
  • Tooltip using the "title" attribute
  • Tooltip using a jQuery plugin
  • Introduction to Browser Stack
  • Cross Browser Testing
  • BrowserStack History
  • Features of BrowserStack
  • Testing The Web Application
  • Browser Stack Key Functions
  • Testing The Mobile Application In Mobile Browsers
  • Testing Of Native,Hybrid Mobile Application In BrowserStack
  • Saucelab-Introduction
  • Value Proposition
  • Manual testing on Sauce labs
  • Post Execution
  • Automated Test Execution
  • saucelabs gem
  • Execution and Results

Post Selenium

  • Introduction to Apache Maven
  • Maven Dependencies
  • Maven Plugins
  • Controlling The Build
  • Maven Release Process
  • Deploying to a Repository
  • Using Snapshots
  • Introduction To Git
  • Working Locally With Git
  • Working Remotely With Git
  • Branching, Merging And Rebasing With Git
  • Using The GitHub Website
  • GitHub For Windows Basics
  • Teamwork With GitHub For Windows
  • Social Coding With GitHub
  • Continuous Integration or Continuous Deployment concepts
  • Installing and Configuring Jenkins
  • Freestyle Project Configuration
  • Jenkins Pipelines
  • Testing With Jenkins
  • Pipeline Enhancements o Multi-branch Pipelines and Code Promotion
  • Test plan:Releases and Builds
  • Requirements
  • Creating Testcases
  • Creating and using parameters
  • Using data query
  • Executing test runs and submitting defects
  • Complex scenario
  • Setting up qTest explorer(web and desktop)
  • using qTest Explorer(Web and Desktop
  • Introducing HP ALM
  • Release Specifications
  • Requirements Specifications module in HP ALM
  • Test Plan Modules
  • Defect Management Life Cycle
  • Report & Analysis
  • Getting started with Bamboo
  • Understanding Bamboo
  • Getting started with Java and Bamboo
  • Getting started with .NET and Bamboo
  • Configuring plans
  • Deployment projects using Bamboo
  • Evaluator
  • Developer
  • Getting support
  • Automatic plan branches
  • Quarantining intermittent tests
  • Integrating Bamboo with Atlassian applications
  • Bamboo remote agent installation guide
  • Getting feedback
  • Importing data from Jenkins
  • Administering
  • All administration topics
  • Release notes
  • Installing and upgrading
  • Introduction to Ant
  • Installing Ant
  • Ant concepts and terminologies
  • Working with Ant
  • Integrating ANT into your IDE
  • Ant in the Real-World
  • Ant Tasks
  • Automating your build and testing through Ant tasks
  • Using Ant for automated deployment
  • Integrating Ant with a version control system
  • Creating Custom Ant tasks
  • Gradle-plugins
  • Working with files
  • Ant Integration
  • Dependency Management
  • Extending the model
  • Task inputs & outputs
  • The Java plugin
  • Multiproject builds
  • The build runtime
  • Introduction To JIRA
  • Test Management In JIRA (Zephyr)
  • Advanced Search And Introduction To JQL (JIRA Query Language)
  • Generating Reports In JIRA
  • Introduction To JIRA Agile
  • Data Driven Explaination
  • Excel Types
  • Apache poi-ooxml
  • Interface , class , methods in apache poi-ooxml
  • Read Data from excel
  • Write data in excel
  • update data in excel
  • Creation of Automation scripts reading data from excel
  • Page Object Model
  • Advantages of POM
  • Implementing POM
  • Object repository creation
  • Page Factory
  • POM Annotation
  • Getters and setters
  • AjaxElementLocalFactory
  • JUNIT Test Framework
  • download and installation of junit
  • JUNIT Annotation & API
  • JUNIT Assert
  • Create JUNIT Test Suite
  • JUNIT Ignore Test
  • JUNIT ErrorCollector
  • JUNIT Parameterized Test
  • JUNIT Vs Testng
  • Execution metrics from JUNIT
  • TESTNG with Selenium
  • Advantages of TESTNG over JUnit
  • TESTNG Annotation & API
  • Create TESTNG Suite
  • TESTNG Parameterized Test
  • Parameters
  • Data Provider
  • Re-running failed Test Case
  • IretryAnalyzer
  • IAnnotationTransformer
  • TESTNG Assert
  • Hard Assert
  • Soft Assert
  • Run Multiple test case
  • Customized,PDF,&Email Testng reports in selenium webDriver
  • TESTNG Ignore Test
  • BDD Introduction
  • Cucumber Introduction
  • How to download & Installation plugin
  • Gherkin Language
  • Feature files
  • TestRunner with junit
  • Step Definition
  • Scenario and Scenario Outline
  • BackGround and Hooks
  • BaseClass and POM Integeration
  • CucumberOptions
  • Reports
  • Rerun failed scenarios
  • JBehave Introduction
  • How to download & Installation plugin
  • Keywords in JBehave
  • Stories
  • Annotations
  • Runner class
  • List ,story , Node implementation
  • Reports generation
  • Introduction to keyword-driven framework
  • Function Library.
  • Excel Sheet To Store Keywords.
  • Design Test Case Template.
  • Object Repository for Locators.
  • Test Scripts or Driver Script.
  • Retrieving data using keywords
  • Function Library
  • Excel Sheet to store Keywords
  • Design Test Case Template
  • Object Repository for Elements/Locators
  • Test Scripts or Driver Script
  • Domain explanation
  • Keywords explanation in travel domain
  • Different Modules explanation in travel domain
  • Booking Flow explanation
  • Different interfaces integration explanation
  • Test scenarios preparation
  • Testcase preparation
  • Defect raising using JIRA
  • Automating e-travel site using framework
  • Domain explanation
  • Keywords explanation in e-commerce domain
  • End to end flow explanation in e-commerce  domain
  • Different interfaces integration explanation
  • Test scenarios preparation
  • Testcase preparation
  • Defect raising using JIRA
  • Automating e-commerce site using framework
  • Banking Domain
  • Retail Domain
  • Insurance Domain
  • Healthcare Domain
  • Educational Domain
  • Software build process
  • SDLC
  • STLC
  • Introduction to Testing
  • Manual and Automation Testing
  • Testing Techniques
  • Testing principles
  • Test scenario and Testcases preparation
  • Software testing medhodologies
  • Functional and non-functional testing
  • Detailed explanation for Waterfall methodology
  • Detailed explanation for Agile Methodology
  • Defect raising using JIRA
  • Agile Methodologies Overview
  • Agile Scrum
  • Agile ceremonies
  • Agile artifacts
  • Kanban
  • Adaptive Project Framework (APF)
  • Extreme Project Management (XPM)
  • Mobile Testing - Overview
  • Mobile Testing - Platforms
  • Mobile Testing - Device Types
  • Native Vs Hybrid Vs Mobileweb
  • Appium Architecture
  • Prerequisite to use APPIUM
  • Install Appium Desktop
  • APPIUM Inspector
  • Attach Android Emulator to Appium
  • ADB commands
  • APPIUM Test Case for Native Android App
  • Limitations using APPIUM
  • Common Encountered Errors In Appium
  • Troubleshooting Steps in Appium
  • Hardware Perspective
  • Mobile Device Testing - Types
  • Mobile Testing - Framework Overview
  • Mobile Testing - Android Frameworks
  • Mobile Testing - IOS Frameworks
  • Set-up of API Test environment
  • Types of Output of an API
  • Test Cases for API Testing
  • Approach of API Testing
  • Difference between API testing and Unit testing
  • What to test for in API testing
  • Best Practices of API Testing
  • Types of Bugs that API Testing detects
  • Tools for API Testing
  • Challenges of API Testing
  • Introduction to SOAP UI
  • Functional API testing
  • Supported Protocols/Technologies
  • SOAP-INTEGRATION with Other Automation Tools
  • SOAP UI  Vs Selenium:
  • SOAP UI PRO Version
  • SOAP UI – Version Timelines
  • Postman Introduction
  • Working with GET Requests
  • Working with POST Requests
  • Parameterize Requests
  • Create Postman Tests
  • Create Collections
  • Run Collections using Collection Runner
  • Run Collections using Newman
  • Project explanation
  • Challenges faced by tester
  • Roles and responsibilities of a tester
  • Day to day activities of a tester
  • Your resume is arguably the most critical part of the modern job application process.
  • A well-organized, tailored resume will increase your chances of landing an interview while a poorly written resume could get lost in the sea of applicants.
  • We will help you to prepare your impressive resume with best specification of your skill set
  • Mock interviews by Greens technologies gives you the platform to prepare, practice and experience the real-life job interview.
  • Familiarizing yourself with the interview environment beforehand in a relaxed and stress-free environment gives you an edge over your peers.
  • Our mock interviews will be conducted by industry experts with an average experience of 5+ years. So you’re sure to improve your chances of getting hired!
  • To put your knowledge on into action, you will be required to work on two industry-based projects that discuss significant real-time use cases.
  • These projects are completely in-line with the modules mentioned in the curriculum and help you to clear the certification exam.

About Our Instructor

Velmurugan is a Test Manager at Hexaware.

He has approximately 12+ years of total IT experience.Out of this, majority(10+ )of years is in Selenium and QA Services functioning on several tools and techniques. In the past 10 years, Velmurugan has trained and placed 5000+ students in Selenium and assisted many of his students in switching careers from non-technical to technical domain.

Velmurugan currently concentrates on teaching and delivering placement support for all his students, During this journey, He has taken 400+ batches through several modes :-Online, classroom, corporate. He has worked with Top IT companies like Verizon, Infosys, Bank of America, and several smaller private organizations and played an active role in delivering high-quality training. Via his creative ideas, Velmurugan has also done many value adds to different private organizations which helped in saving lot of time and efforts for several customers.

Velmurugan has a passion for teaching and has spent years at several conferences as a main speaker and delivering online learning content.

Flexible Timings / Weekend classes Available.

Talk to the Trainer @ +91 8939975692

Students Placed

I would like to thank the whole team of Green’s Technologies for giving me an extra-ordinary training. And I can proudly say that I am a Selenium tester holding certification. Every day assignments are useful to learn the programs well. Course materials, weekly tests, mock interviews add the value to the course. Management staffs are friendly and supportive. The class timings are comfortable. They organize weekend classes if any revision classes needed. Thanks to Green’s Technologies.

Sanjay kumar

This institute provides the best education in Selenium Testing. Infrastructure is amazing. Students are given training on live projects. It was truly a wonderful experience for me. If you are looking for IT courses this is the right place. All kind of IT courses are available here. Team’s main focus is certification and placement and they ensure that you get placed in a reputed organization. Thank You So Much-Green’s Technologies for giving such a good career.


Green’s Technologies is a very good institute if you are looking to learn Selenium testing. While joining i was a bit apprehensive but as time went by I was confident that I can crack any interviews. And Yes ,I did clear the interview and got placed as QA Engineer specializing in Selenium testing and I am holding an accredited certification as well. The staff is highly educative and helpful , having deep knowledge in Java script and Angular JS and other frame works like Cucumber ,Mocha etc. Overall a good institute for doing Selenium training course. Thanks to Real time experts.


If you want to quick start for your career with training and placement support then Green’s Technologies training institute is a best choice for you. I took Selenium training .Placement co-ordinator and teaching staff are supportive. Course syllabus is as per industry standards. Also during training more focus is on practicals rather than theory. So it's help you to crack interview. Yes,I am happy to share that I work as a Salesforce developer in a reputed organization.


Firstly I would like to thank Green’s Technologies team for getting me placed as a Selenium tester in an organization. Special thanks to the trainer for the Positivity & Encouragement that he has always given to achieve our goals. It was a great opportunity for me to develop my skills in Selenium testing. Here we gained practical as well as theoretical knowledge which is essential to become an employee in any organization .It was great and wonderful experience.


I would recommend Green’s Technologies to learn Selenium testing course. Placement Manager is very supportive and co-operative person and always there to motivate, encourage & provide the best guidance. The faculty is quite skilled and the frequency of interview calls is quite high. The package offered by MNCs is also great for freshers. I enrolled for Selenium Testing course .The fees are quite reasonable as compared to other institutes .Good environment to learn and excel.


I was a fresher with absolutely no background when I entered Greens Technologies. I didn’t know even what path to chose. Thanks to the counseling team of Green’s Technologies for guiding me in taking Selenium testing course. Trainers trained me so well that now I can solve any issues and got certification too and Yes, I already got an offer letter from a leading MNC as a Selenium tester. So wish me Luck!!!!Thanks to the whole team of Green’s Technologies.


Vel, "Every session is great and very valuable..its like aanimuthyalu! I want to say again n again we all are lucky to have you as the testing coach. I learnt a lot from you Vel on Manual and Selenium side. Tnx. I salute you from bottom of my heart for being such an amazing mentor!!"

List down the pre-requisites for learning Selenium training?

  • As such there are no “defined pre-requisites” from tool/technology point of view,
  • Any learner with an inclination towards learning can definitely learn Software Testing.

Generally, how much time does it take to learn Selenium course?

  • Actually it takes 2 to 3months of effort and learning.
  • If a student takes classes regularly, it would take 60 days or if you opt for Weekend classes it would take 8 weekends

What is the total course fees for Selenium program?

Every course offered at Green’s Technologys is minimal and quite affordable. Our admin team offers the leverage to pay it in two installments. For the course fees structure details, you can reach us out (+91 8939975692). We offer free demo classes and once you are confident and comfortable, you can pay the fees.

What is the procedure for admissions in Greens Technologies?

Anyone can fill the enquiry form available in our website or call our counselors at +91 8939975692.

What is the minimum size allowed in Selenium batch at Greens Technologies?

We always limit the batch size to not more than 5 to 6 students for any of the courses at Greens Technologies as we strongly believe in offering quality training to each and every student.

Would I be provided with extra class, if I miss a session?

We ,at Greens Technologys emphasize on regular attendance in order to maintain the continuity .But due to exigency situation, if student miss any session then we would arrange for an extra class.

What are the several modes of Selenium training which Greens Technologys offers?

We offer classroom s well as online training. We provide fast track mode programs also, on need basis.

Will all the sessions be only theoretical?

No,not at all. We concentrate more on providing ample practical training and not only theory. We make sure that a student can handle any type of real time situation.

can students match with industry standards on course completion?

Definitely yes, Aspirants would become a Selenium expert as per the current industry requirements. Students will be confident while attending interviews as we provide career-oriented training which covers mock interviews, technical reviews etc.

Is Placement assistance provided at Greens Technologies?

The answer is Definitely yes. We have a dedicated team that ensures that conducts mock interviews, regular technical reviews and assessments .Also soft skills session is provided to boost the confidence levels of each and every students.

What is the approximate number of students ,who have got trained by Greens Technologys up till now?

We have been a leading software training institute in the market from past 10years and have trained large batches of students and have got them placed in top notch MNCs. We have multiple branches in Chennai at several accessible locations, which offer training to thousands of students.

Attend our Demo Classes
Give a shot by joining two FREE CLASSES to check for yourselves the quality of training.
Total Duration: 200 hours

Have Queries? Ask our Experts

+91 8939975692

Available 24x7 for your queries
Course Features
Total attendees till now 26000
Instructor Led Training 90 Hours
Assignments 45 Hours
Project work 45 Hrs Exercises
Self-paced Videos 40 Hrs
Technical Support 24/7
Certification ISTQB


Selenium class Oct 9, 2020 09:19 AM