Cucumber: ------------ QUESTIONS(Theory): ------------------ 1.What is cucumber? 2.What language is used by Cucumber? 3.What is meant by a feature file? 4.What is the purpose of Scenario Outline in Cucumber? 5.What is the purpose of Step Definition file in Cucumber? 6.What are the major advantages of Cucumber framework? 7.What is the limit for the maximum number of scenarios that can be included in the feature file? 8.What symbol is used for parameterization in Cucumber? 9.What is the purpose of Examples keyword in Cucumber? 10.What is the purpose of Cucumber Options tag? 11.What is the meaning of TestRunner class in Cucumber? 12.What is the starting point of execution for feature files? 13.What is the use of glue property under Cucumber Options tag? 14.What is the maximum number of steps that are to be written within a scenario? 15.What are the difference between Jbehave and Cucumber? 16.What is the difference between BDD and TDD? 17.What are the two files required to run a cucumber test? 18.What is the two main purpose of using Gherkin? 19.What are the keywords used in Feature file? 20.What is the difference between Given, When, Then steps in feature file? 21.Explain background in feature file 22.What Is Cucumber tag,plugin,glue,monochrome,strict,feature, Dry Run? 23.How To Generate Cucumber Execution Reports? 24.How To Run A Particular Scenario From A Feature File ? 25.What are before, after, beforeStep and afterStep hooks? 26.How to Run Cucumber tests in parallel? QUESTIONS(Practiacl): --------------------- QUESTION 1: ---------- URL : NOTE: Create a feature file for facebook login page. QUESTION 2: ----------- URL : NOTE: Create a feature file for the firstname and lastname. QUESTION 3: ---------- URL : NOTE: Create a feature file for registration form. QUESTION 4: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario. QUESTION 5: ------------ URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario outline. QUESTION 6: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute feature file for registration form with one scenario. QUESTION 7: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute feature file for registration form with one scenario outline. QUESTION 8: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario and execute with plugin,tags,monochrome run with components. QUESTION 9: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with scenario outline and execute with some specific scenario. QUESTION 10: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario and execute with plugin,monochrome run with components. QUESTION 11: ------------ URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file of login page with one scenario and you have to take the input from excel sheet. QUESTION 12: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario and you have to take the input from excel sheet. QUESTION 13: ----------- URL : NOTE: Generate the scenario for each textbox in the same feature file and execute with glue,tags,plugin run with components. QUESTION 14: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario by using data driven and POM framework. QUESTION 15: ----------- URL : NOTE: Execute the feature file for registration with one scenario by using data driven and POM framework. QUESTION 16: ----------- URL : NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,tags,plugin runwith components. QUESTION 17: ----------- URL : NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,tags,plugin runwith components. QUESTION 18: ----------- URL : NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,plugin,dryrun,monochrome runwith components and also use Datadriven and POM framework. QUESTION 19: ----------- URL : NOTE: Generate the scenario for registration page and login page in one feature file and execute with glue,plugin,strict,monochrome runwith components and also use Datadriven and POM framework.