1. select e1.name, e2.name from employee e1, employee e2 where e1.salary < (select e3.salary from employee e3 where e2.id = e3.id) order by e1.id asc, e1.salary desc; 2. select name from employee group by name, phone, age having count(*) > 1; 3. select e.name, u.uin from employee e, employee_uin u where e.id = u.id(+); 4. an exception is raise 5. 1,2,3 6. select nvl(c.customer_name,'N/A'), nvl(p.product_name,'N/A'), nvl(ii.quantity,0) from customer c full outer join invoice i on i.customer_id = c.id full outer join invoice_item ii on ii.invoice_id = i.id full outer join product p on ii.product_id = p.id order by c.id, p.id, ii.id; 7. Select 'customer '||c.id||' '||c.customer_name from customer c FULL outer join invoice i on i.customer_id = c.id where i.invoice_number is null union select 'product '||p.id||' '||p.product_name from invoice_item ii full outer join product p on ii.product_id = p.id where ii.invoice_id is null; 8. DBA 9. Nested Anonymous block 10. False 11. subprogram must be compiled in the debug mode 12. True 13. it give the error location only for the top level subprogram call 14. Smart data tab 15. first statement 16. 10 17. it is faster to execute than static sql 18. the condition will evaluate to false 19. where others handler