1. Write a query to display the last name and hire date of any employee in the same department as Zlotkey. Exclude Zlotkey. 2. Create a query to display the employee numbers and last names of all employees who earn more than the average salary. Sort the results in ascending order of salary. 3. Write a query that displays the employee numbers and last names of all employees who work in a department with any employee whose last name contains a u. Place your SQL statement in a text file named lab6_3.sql. Run your query. 4. Display the last name, department number, and job ID of all employees whose department location ID is 1700. 5. Display the last name and salary of every employee who reports to King. 6. Display the department number, last name, and job ID for every employee in the Executive department. 7. Modify the query in lab6_3.sql to display the employee numbers, last names, and salaries of all employees who earn more than the average salary and who work in a department with any employee with a u in their name. Resave lab6_3.sql to lab6_7.sql. Run the statement in lab6_7.sql.