Determine whether the following statements are true or false: 1. The following statement is correct: DEFINE & p_val = 100 2. The DEFINE command is a SQL command. 3. Write a script to display the employee last name, job, and hire date for all employees who started between a given range. Concatenate the name and job together, separated by a space and comma, and label the column Employees. In a separate SQL script file, use the DEFINE command to provide the two ranges. Use the format MM/DD/YYYY. Save the script files as lab7_3a.sql and lab7_3b.sql. 4. Write a script to display the employee last name, job, and department name for a given location. The search condition should allow for case-insensitive searches of the department location. Save the script file as lab7_4.sql. 5. Modify the code in lab7_4.sql to create a report containing the department name, employee last name, hire date, salary, and each employee’s annual salary for all employees in a given location. Label the columns DEPARTMENT NAME, EMPLOYEE NAME, START DATE, SALARY, and ANNUAL SALARY, placing the labels on multiple lines. Resave the script as lab7_5.sql and execute the commands in the script.