1)What is meant by rendering? 2)What is meant by bounding box? 3)What is meant by protocols? 4)Difference between synchronous and asynchronous task? 5)Difference between strong,weak, readonly and copy? 6)What are momento pattern in iOS? 7)What is meant by code coverage? 8)What are the design patterns in iOS 9)What's the difference between the frame and the bounds? 10 Latest version of iOS 11. Difference Between Objective-c and Swift 12.Tuples 13.Frame & Bounds 14.Core-data Flow 15.Technical word for memory Storage 16.Guard and if Let 17.Nsurlsession 18.Encodable,Decodable,Codable 19.Binding and unwrapping 20. Auto-layout Maximum value for Button 21. Enumeration 22.Closures 23.When Memory Leakage happen 24. Google Map Delegate 25. Extension