Self Evaluation - 1 hrs ************* 1.write a query to display no of employees in each department ? 2.write a query to get second max salary using group function ? 3.write a query to display who is getting the max salary in each department ? 4.write a query to display the avg salary in each department ? 5.what happens internally in oracle when primary key created for a column ? 6.what is index ? types ? functionality of each ? 7.what is view ? types ? restriction methods ? purpose of views ? 10.what are analytical functions ? difference between rank and dense_rank ? 11.write a query to delete duplicate rows ? 12.write a query to get department wise maximum salary by using analytical function ? 13.what is the difference between left join and right join ? 14.find the output for the below query i. select case when 1=1 then 2 else 3 end from dual; ii. select decode(4,2,5,4,9,3) from dual; round('12-nov-2001','yy') from dual; 15.write a query to display even numbers 16.write the syntax for lead 17.what is synonym ? explain the purpose 18.write the syntax for adding foreign key in alter statement 19.find the output i. select * from emp where empid = 100 and empid = 101; ii. select * from emp where empid = 100 or empid = 101; 20.differnce between union and union all ? 21.write a query using having clause 22.write syntax for listagg function 23.what is default / interval partition ? 24.what are the concepts you know in sql ? 25.list some features of 11g