1) Explain strong and weak reference? 2) Difference between atomic and nonatomic? 3) What is mean by optional? Why will you use? 4) Features of Swift? 5) How to check whether core data particular object having null or not? 6) What are the UIKIT delegates used your project? 7) Explain sorting algorithm? 8) How handle tableview when scroll cell and loading image? 9) When i trigger local notification how do i know which class under the execution? 10) What is size class? 11) Difference between block and NSOperation? 12) Explain about GCD? 13) What is Completion handler? 14) Difference between core data and sqlite? 15) Delegate methods for location manager? 16) Why use model class? 17) Explain about MVC? 18) Which one is your challenging task when you work on a project? 19) Explain extra work while doing push notification? 20) What are the delegate used in tableview?