Interview questions: First Round: 1.roles and responsibilities 2. Create a table to add column 4. Modify the column name 5.write a program using cursor 6. Refcursor 7. Diff b/w procedure and function 8. Forall syntax 9. Using collection fetch 3 rows 10. Exceptions 11. Substr('Test', 1,3) Output? 12.instr('Test', 1) Output? 13. Pragma autonomous transaction 14. Write a prgm fr procedure 15. Program for function 16.use of analytical function 17.diff b/w analytical and group functions Second Round: 1. Roles and responsibilities 2. What is pragma autonomous transaction nd where u have used n ur project 3. Exception and types 4. Why we r using "when others" exception? 5. Write a query to display sysdate as 13/07/2016 6. Write a query to display time as 04.30 pm 7. Team size 8. Cursor 9. Gtt nd whr u have used n ur project 10. Y u want job Change? First Round: 1.Explain oracle architecture 2. DDl and DML 3.Difference between cursor and ref cursor 4.write a program using cursor 5.types of exception 6. Name some predefined exceptions 7. Write a program using user defined exceptions 8. Datatypes in oracle 9. Trigger 10. Explain ref cursor 11. Performance tuning And they are asking to write procedures by giving scenarios.