Exception handling: ---------------------- It is like a error,Whenever it occur the program will terminate itself. Types of exception: ------------------- unchecked checked unchecked exception[run time] Whenever the exception will occur in runtime it is called run time exception ------------------- *Arithmetic Exception *null point exception *Input mismatch exception *ArrayIndexOutofbound exception *StringIndexOutofbound exception *IndexOutofbound exception *NumberFormat Exception checked exception[compile time] Whenever the exception will occur in complietime it is called complie time exception ----------------- *File not found exception *IO not found exception *sql not found exception *Class not found exception Exception/Throwable is the super class of all exception exception handling ------------------ try---Whenever the exception will occur, we will use try block. catch--Catch is the block , it is going to catch the exception finally---It will execute the finally block,it doesnot consider whether the exceptions is handled or not Throw Throws try,finally try,catch,finally try,multiple catch