DAY14 ----- CSV QUESTIONS(Theory) ------------------ 1.What is CSVReader? 2.What is CSVParser? 3.What is BufferedReader? 4.What are all the methods available in CSVReader and CSVParser? 5.What is FileWritter? 6.Which class have to use for CSV writting? QUESTIONS(Practical) ------------------- Data for questions 1 to 3 --------------------------- Name Rollno Department Result Cgpa Amar 42 CSE Pass 8.6 Rohini 21 ECE Fail 3.2 Aman 23 CSE Pass 8.9 Rahul 45 EEE Fail 4.6 Pratik 65 CSE Pass 7.2 Raunak 23 ME Pass 9.1 QUESTION 1 ----------- NOTE: Read all the values in the above CSV file. QUESTION 2 ----------- NOTE: Read name column values in the above csv file. QUESTION 3 ----------- NOTE: Read last 3 row details in the above CSV file. QUESTION 4 ----------- NOTE: Write below details to CSV file. EmployeeID- 31, 32, 33, 34,35 EmployeeName- Ramesh, Gobi, Praveen, Sairam, Charan EmployeeAge- 26,32,21,28,23 EmployeeSalary- 20000,30000,22000,28369,23500