SELENIUM -------- DAY11 ----- WebTable QUESTIONS(Theory) ----------------- 1.What is the mean by webtable? 2.What is the use of webtable? 3.Under which tags webtable is present in html? 4.Which tag is used to mention the table row and table data ? 5.Write a code to display all the Colum Name in table? 6.Write a code to display all the data in table? 7.If there are multiple tables available in webpage.How Will you display the any specified particular webtable data? QUESTIONS(PRACTICAL) -------------------- QUESTION 1 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print all the content in the dymaic webtable. QUESTION 2 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print the rank of the country whose name is china in the dynamic webtable. QUESTION 3 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print the last two rows details in the dynamic webtable. QUESTION 4 ---------- URL : NOTE: Print the first two rows details in the dynamic webtable.