Technical question ( wrriten test) 1.what is ios? 2.Type of variable constains 3.How would you create your own custom view? 4.Why do we need to use @Synthesize? 5.Multitasking support is available from which version? 6.Whats is ipa? 7.what is the current Version of ios? 8.explain any two delegate method 9.What JSON framework is supported by iOS (iPhone OS)? 10.what is App Bundle 11.Current version iphone and its feature? 13.What is the difference between atomic and non-atomic properties? 12 Which is the nsuserdefault? 14.Notification and its type 15.Diff between NString and NS mutablearray 16.what are the tool used to bulid ios? 17.what is your favourite app and its feature 18.Social media work and its framework? 19.what is ABI? 20.what is define ? And ! face to face interview * Tell me about yourself * why choose ios. Most of the people use android so why iphone to choose *Diff between datasource and delegate *what is autolayout *Define strong and week variable *what is Dispatchqueue.main *Explain MVC *diff bet synchronous and asynchronous System task: Get a image from gallery to show tableview